Future Today launches FTI+ to address advertiser needs in CTV

Future Today is scaling up its dedicated sales team (FTI+) to provide brands and agencies with a direct path to its inventory and 1:1 concierge care.
June 6, 2022 - Menlo Park, CA

Future Today, one of the leaders in ad-supported streaming, with flagship channels Fawesome, HappyKids and iFood.tv, and ranking in the top free channels across every major connected TV (CTV) and over-the-top (OTT) platform, including Roku, Amazon Fire TV and Apple TV, today announced the formation of FTI+, a dedicated sales team that works directly with top advertisers across categories – retail, CPG, travel, insurance, auto, QSR, and beyond – to help them achieve their brand objectives and goals through Future Today’s premium, brand-safe and transparent inventory. 

“We’re launching FTI+ in response to the challenges that we see the advertisers struggling with as they try to migrate more budgets to streaming,” said Jennifer D’Alessandro, Head of Ad Sales & Marketing, Future Today. “Given the fragmentation in the industry, the media buying process for CTV today can be a daunting task – a publisher’s inventory often shows up in multiple places leading to confusion around its true source and scale, while the delivery for a single campaign is often dispersed through different demand platforms leading to waste and poor user experience. AVOD viewership is booming and advertisers are following audiences to these platforms. However, in order to meet the opportunity, publishers and tech partners must make the buying process easy-to-understand, efficient, and transparent. With FTI+, we can deliver on all of these needs.” 

With FTI+, advertisers get access to a host of benefits, including:

  • Direct Path – For traditional TV buyers, CTV, with its complexity and fragmentation, remains a new platform to navigate. The most effective way for buyers to benefit from the many advantages of CTV and solve the fragmentation challenge is to work directly with publishers and inventory partners. With FTI+, buyers get direct, hand-sold inventory. 
  • Exclusive – Access to exclusive, high-performing ad formats and experiences, including QR code, text-to-consumer and channel download. Advertisers tapping into advanced creative formats on CTV earn an additional 47 seconds of time, while interactive CTV drives an incremental 72 seconds of time earned between brands and consumers.
  • Price Efficiency – With FTI+, advertisers get efficient pricing compared to other streamers, with CPMs often half of what direct competitors offer. With CPMs in CTV already higher and buys becoming increasingly competitive, the value provided through FTI+ is unique in market.
  • Transparency – A lack of standardization in the CTV environment has limited transparency to CTV buyers. Direct-sold inventory, as provided through FTI+, provides unmatched clarity and granular measurement, ensuring advertisers know exactly where their ads run, including what shows, what times, what position in the ad pods, and beyond.
  • Brand Safe & Suitable – With continued investments in CTV, brand safety remains a top concern for the brands and marketers. Via direct-sold inventory, Future Today provides a controlled environment, airing in top quality content that aligns with brand-specific guidelines. Additionally, Future Today adheres to advertiser separation guidelines, capping frequency for a better brand and user experience. 

“With FTI+, we are giving advertisers clarity and confidence in their digital investments by now enabling the shortest and most-efficient path to our inventory,” said D’Alessandro. 

Future Today media buys can run via direct or programmatically, through programmatic guaranteed (PG) and/or private marketplaces (PMP), to ensure premium placement. 

To learn more about FTI+, email adsales@futuretodayinc.com

About Future Today 

Future Today is a leader in the ad-supported streaming media universe with its flagship channels – Fawesome, HappyKids and iFood.tv – ranking in the top free channels across nearly every OTT consumer platform. The company’s proprietary, cloud-based technology platform manages OTT services for hundreds of content owners, producers, distributors and major media companies helping them launch and monetize complex Connected TV channels across devices in a matter of days. Future Today’s comprehensive portfolio of technology and services includes video management, content management and publishing, app development and maintenance, cross-channel promotion, advertising, monetization and more. Learn more about Future Today here.


Chris Harihar

Crenshaw Communications


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